Free-range chicken broth


1 Label Rouge free-range chicken
100 g vermicelli pasta
1 onion
1 carrot1 stalk of celery
1 bunch of thyme and bay leaves
salt and pepper


Using a leftover roast chicken, remove the carcass and place it in a stewpot containing one litre of water.
Prepare the burnt onion: cut the onion in half with the skin, place it on a hot pan and let it cook on the flesh side until it turns black.
Add the half burnt onion, the bunch of thyme and bay leaves, the whole peeled carrot and the stalk of celery to the stewpot. Leave to simmer for 30 minutes.

Collect the coloured stock.

Shred the rest of the poultry on the carcass, dice the carrot and celery.
Cook the vermicelli pasta in the stock for about 3 minutes.


Arrange the broth and vermicelli pasta, the shredded chicken, the diced carrot and celery in a soup plate. Drizzle with olive oil.